by Emma Donoghue
I haven’t read any other book by Emma Donoghue but just on the basis of this book, I can say very definitely that she ranks among one of my most favorite authors and she is one of the finest practitioner of the art of words.
The narrator of this book is a five year old child Jack who has grown up in the Room and we view the Outside through his eyes. He feels secure, safe and happy in the Room where he lives with his Ma and his Ma is his world. Our endearing and brave hero symbolizes the possibilities, hopes and contentment of a happy childhood. The little brave guy deserves a standing ovation. His mother is a tribute to mothers everywhere in this world, who smile through their tears for their children, and are always there for them.
The narration reminds us of the first spring of our learning when the whole world was unknown, uncertain except for our mothers’ certain, comfortable and soothing presence. No place on earth is better for repose than a mother’s lap, no embrace warmer than hers, or any voice sweeter. This is a heart-warming tale, written with lots of empathy, understanding, warmth and compassion.
The first vignettes of the Outside as seen by Jack is refreshing and endearing especially when he is still learning to express himself with respect to the human people around him and their strange habits. As he notices quite innocently and gleefully that a dog was walking with a man at its end, it’s difficult to suppress a smile and even a chuckle. He is very insightful as well when he finds that no one has time even when they are not working. An astute observation and also something we adults don’t express, not because we lack the insight, rather we don’t have the courage/rudeness/bluntness/ honesty to do so.
Even though the setting is disturbing and gruesome, the story is gripping and poignant. It is a marvelous author’s great creation with a lyricism and melody which is as sweet, comforting and soothing as a lullaby.
Well said ..Ma is god alike.I would rate her above god even.Just imagine about those kids who have lost their mother.Doesn't it the cruelty of god?Words are always less to describe mother.