Dear Dr. Tharoor,
I have always admired your eloquence and honesty. My admiration for you has grown manifold after your resignation over the allegations made by Mr. Lalit Modi (and taken up clamorously by our dysfunctional Opposition, who oppose because they have to oppose) of your influencing the bid for IPL Kochi team and being paid for it. This resignation proves that you are not motivated solely by your “kursi” or chair.
In Hindi we have a proverb “Saanch ko aanch nahi(Truth has nothing to fear)”.Your integrity stands vindicated by your resignation. But why didn’t you resign earlier ? It would have let you off the whiff of stink of expulsion and love with your chair that might linger for some time , though hopefully people will see your honesty, integrity and sincerity , sorely lacking in our public life(and guess they got envious of your good traits and tried to drag you down to their own level.)
Let me introduce myself before I go further. I am a software professional with limited intellectual capability and eloquence. I have been a frequent reader of your columns in The Hindu Sunday Magazine. I am an avid reader. I have read your non-fiction(The Elephant, the Tiger and the Cellphone & India :From Midnight to Millennium). I am yet to read your fiction writings.
To be honest, I noticed you more when you ran for the UN Secretary General and as an Indian , I supported your candidature (though I couldn’t have done anything other than hope and pray). When you decided to contest Indian General elections, won from Kochi and was appointed as the Minister of State for External affairs,I was hopeful (and happy, I must say) to see a person with an experience in International Diplomacy as having some say in our External Affairs Policy .
But troubles began soon after. I need not repeat any of those including the “interlocutor” comment . Anyone could see you were struggling in Indian Politics as a novice and it was refreshing to see a politician making not just populist and politically correct statements but also what he felt. But therein lies the tragedy and paradox of Indian Politics. You are not supposed to speak what you feel when you belong to the Government or a Political Party even if the Government is that of a democracy promising freedom of speech to all its people and the Party beholden the tenets of the same democracy . The fate that befell Mr. Jaswant Singh is still fresh in our memories.
But the latest IPL saga did show you in a bad light as some questions went unanswered(I have read the statement tabled in the Parliament by you) .
What was your Officer on Special duty doing during the IPL Kochi bidding ?
What is the truth behind Mr. Modi’s claim of your calling him with to the bidding?
Why did you play the Kochi and Gender card in your reply?
Guess it was because of political reasons but an unconsummated player at this game should have not attempted it. If it was for personal reasons( your liking for cricket, that’s great but please do not mix realpolitik with personal, generally people here,esp. the Opposition or for that matter any political Party cannot appreciate the nuances.
And last words, Please do not let Mr. Lalit Modi get way with half-truths and accusations. He has got vested interests in so many teams. Why did he pick up only on Kochi Team? Since now you are no longer a part of the Government, you can question him without any accusations of Government harassement that could be alleged by him. Not withstanding the fact that you are still the Honorable Member of Parliament , you are still the citizen of a free Democracy and you have rights of self defence and of questioning and learning the truth behind any enterprise or entrepreneur, irrespective of reputation, money power or access.
We all want to know the truth. Satyameva Jayate ( Only Truth Triumphs).
Jai Hind!!
Thanks and Regards,
P.S.: Honorable Finance Minister has said that probe will be made into IPL